Role-play or debate to promote students' argumentation and justification on an issue in animal transgenesisDiscounting of health benefits in the pharmacoeconomic analysis of drug therapies: an issue for debate?The artificial nutrition debate: still an issue... after all these years.Appropriate antibiotic therapy for ventilator-associated pneumonia and sepsis: a necessity, not an issue for debatePrognostic role of K-Ras mutations in non-small cell lung cancer: Still an issue for open debateDr. Neri et al.: Prognostic role of K-ras mutations in non-small cell lung cancer: Still an issue for open debate.The binding site and mechanism of the RNA polymerase inhibitor tagetitoxin: An issue open to debateAn Issue of Debate: China’s Feedgrain Demand and SupplyThe environmental debate: an industry issuePopulation Growth in the UK: An Issue for Political Debate and Policy Intervention?