Debel-kerroslattian HTL- ja HTLR-profiilien mitoitusohjelmaArchiCAD-kirjasto Debel-kerroslattiajärjestelmästäMSc Thesis Defense by Andreas Dybro DebelMSc Thesis Defense by Sune Andreas Dybro DebelReview of the book De rollen van de Dode Zee, H. Debel, 2011, 9789033485911COMPARTIVE STUDY OF TWO ODES DEBEL KHOZAEI AND TALAE- EBNE ROZZIK IN EULOGY OF AHLE BEYT (IMAMS)Analiza tkiva okrog omajanih umetnih kolčnih debel iz poliacetala z uporabo nuklearnih metodEnergy Analysis of Sugarcane Production in Plant Farms A Case Study in Debel Khazai Agro-industry in IranEnergy use and economical analysis of Sugarcane production in Iran a case study: Debel Khazaeei agro-industryEen God die geschiedenis schrijft? De Historische Boeken in het Oude Testament, red. H. Debel/P. Kevers, Leuven/Den Haag,bs/Acco, 20...