用作名词 (n.)
形容词+~- bacterial decay细菌性腐烂
- creeping political decay政治上的逐渐腐败
- dental decay牙齿龋蚀
- mental decay智力衰退
- moral decay道德沦丧
- premature decay早衰
- radioactive decay放射衰败
tooth decay蛀牙;龋齿;齵齿
decay rate衰减率;衰变率;衰变速度
radioactive decay[物]放射性衰变
exponential decay指数式衰减
decay time[物]衰减时间
in decay已腐朽,已腐烂
decay resistance耐腐性,耐腐蚀性能
decay curve衰变曲线;衰减曲线;退化曲线;余辉曲线
fall into decay损坏,腐烂;衰败
- Naomi: Your entire body is begining to decay.
直美:你的整个身体都在衰退。 - What made the Roman Empire decay?
罗马帝国为何衰亡? - The dampness of the climate decayed the books.
气候潮湿,把书都霉坏了。 - The vegetables have begun to decay.
- His mental decay is distressing.
他的智力衰退令人苦恼。 - Bacteria complete the job by causing decay.
细菌通过引起腐烂而完成这个变化。 - The dentist could detect no decay in her teeth.
Weak decays beyond leading logarithms
Unitary Symmetry and Leptonic Decays
QCD factorization for B → PP and B → PV decays
μ →e γ at a rate of one out of 10 9 muon decays?
QCD factorization in B → πK , ππ decays and extraction of Wolfenstein parameters
HDECAY: a program for Higgs boson decays in the Standard Model and its supersymmetric extension
PHOTOS Monte Carlo: a precision tool for QED correctionsin Z and W decays
An effective field theory for collinear and soft gluons: heavy to light decays
Observation of a Narrow Charmoniumlike State in Exclusive B ± → K ± π + π - J / ψ Decays
QCD factorization for exclusive non-leptonic B ja:math -meson decays: general arguments and the case of heavy–light final states