- The deceased man left no will.
死者没有留下遗嘱。 - The old woman cried up her deceased son.
老妇人对已故的儿子大加称赞。 - The deceased general was a great soldier.
Deceased-donor characteristics and the survival benefit of kidney transplantation.
The broad spectrum of quality in deceased donor kidneys.
Machine Perfusion or Cold Storage in Deceased-Donor Kidney Transplantation — NEJM
Machine Perfusion or Cold Storage in Deceased-Donor Kidney Transplantation — NEJM
The Survival Benefit of Deceased Donor Liver Transplantation as a Function of Candidate Disease Severity and Donor Quality
Methylprednisolone therapy in deceased donors reduces inflammation in the donor liver and improves outcome after liver transplantati...
Expression of imprinted genes is aberrant in deceased newborn cloned calves and relatively normal in surviving adult clones
Acceptable donor-specific antibody levels allowing for successful deceased and living donor kidney transplantation after desensitiza...
Yang, L. et al. Expression of imprinted genes is aberrant in deceased newborn cloned calves and relatively normal in surviving adult...
Graft and patient survival after adult live donor liver transplantation compared to a matched cohort who received a deceased donor t...