december 8



december 8

  • n.Roman Catholic holy day first celebrated in 1854

    同义词:Immaculate Conception



December 8, 1640
December 8, 1640
Weekly Reports for DECEMBER 8, 1922
1967 December 8 meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society
White House Press Briefing, December 8
1884 December 8 meeting of the Liverpool Astronomical Society
Four Hundred and Forty-Fifth Meeting. December 8, 1857. Monthly Meeting
At a Countil meeting, held 1944 December 8, the following were elected Fellows of the Society:–
In Memoriam: Arthur C. Beall JR., M.D. August 17, 1929 ? December 8, 2002.
Proceedings of the December 8-10, 1954, eastern joint computer conference: Design and application of small digital computers