Importers Deemphasize ChinaDeemphasize Punishment, Reemphasize Crime PreventionDeemphasize dogma: consider the local control-overall survival linkBayer Plans to Further Deemphasize ChemicalsThe Dutch Deemphasize Imprisonment: Sociocultural and Structural ExplanationsCriteria for implicit learning: Deemphasize conscious access, emphasize amnesia"Willful Blindness: Consequences of Agency Efforts To Deemphasize Radical Islam in Combating Terrorism"Erasing the Stress on Penmanship; With Children on Keyboards, Many Schools Deemphasize Proper HandwritingDump payroll to focus on profitable services. (accountants should deemphasize Type I routine services in favor of business consultin..."As a field we have largely focused on school-based forms of education and tended to deemphasize innumerable sites of art education ...