- Don't deface library books.
不要污损图书馆的书籍。 - The wall has been defaced with slogans.
Logging will deface Mt St Leonard
Hackers Deface Aussie Censorship Board’s Website
Iran Militants Deface Home of Opposition Leader Mehdi Karroubi
The Deface-it-yourself Art Book: Release Your Inner Artist, Critic or Vandal!
A Study on the Detection Model of Website Deface
Antimalarial drug: From its development to deface.
Two Trends That Would Deface Classical-Modern Tamil - How to Reverse These Trends?
Le contexte éthique etjuridique del'allotransplantation deface
Intérêt d'une grille delecture delaradiographie duthorax deface (RTF) auxurgences
Molecular assessment of fungi in ‘‘black spots'' that deface murals in the Takamatsuzuka and Kitora Tumuli in Japan: Acremonium se...