defective product有瑕疵的产品;不合格产品
defective rate次品率
defective goods次品;不合格品
defective material有缺陷的材料
defective index废品率
fraction defective[工业管理]不合格率;废品率;不良率
What do color vision defectives say about everyday tasks?DEMENTIA IN AGEING MENTAL DEFECTIVES: A CLINICAL PSYCHIATRIC STUDYStereotyped movements of mental defectives. I. Initial surveyPsychoses in adult mental defectives. I. Manic depressive psychosisGroup Testing To Eliminate Efficiently All Defectives in a Binomial SampleStereotyped movements of mental defectives: VI. No effect of amphetamine or a barbiturateIncidence, Mortality, and Sex Distribution of Mongoloid DefectivesSTEREOTYPED MOVEMENTS OF MENTAL DEFECTIVES. IV. THE EFFECTS OF TOYS AND THE CHARACTER OF THE ACTSThe amino acid content of human cerebrospinal fluid in normal individuals and in mental defectivesLot-sizing for a single-stage single-product production system with rework of perishable production defectives