- Infestations of these caterpillars may defoliate oaks and other hardwood trees but usually do no permanent damage.
Notes: Starch Content in Roots of Defoliated Sugar Maple
Resilience of mycorrhizal fungi on defoliated and fertilized hybrid poplars
Using dendrochronology to measure radial growth of defoliated trees
Condensed tannin as anti-defoliate agent against browsing by giraffe ( Giraffa camelopardalis ) in the Kruger National Park
Nitrogen Mobilization from Stubble and Roots during Re-growth of Defoliated Perennial Ryegrass
Spruce budworm handbook: Using Dendrochronology to Measure Radial Growth of Defoliated Trees
A Modified Self-thinning Equation to Describe Size/Density Relationships for Defoliated Swards
Changes in stubble carbohydrate content during regrowth of defoliated perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) on two nitrogen levels
Mobilization of nitrogen reserves during regrowth of defoliated Trifolium repens L. and identification of potential vegetative stora...
Effects of shading on the growth and nitrogen content of green panic and Siratro in pure and mixed swards defoliated at two frequenc...