- Sitting badly for long periods of time can deform your spine.
长时间的错误坐姿会使你的脊柱变形。 - Shoes that are too tight deform the feet.
太紧的鞋使脚变形。 - His leg was deformed in an accident.
他的腿在一次事故中致畸。 - She has a deformed foot and can't walk very easily.
- The silver was deformed under stress.
Deformační projevy v důlních dílech
Bias, czyli deformacje brytyjskiego systemu wyborczego
DEFORM-2D和DEFORM-3D CAE软件在模拟金属塑性变形过程中的应用
Seismické a deformační jevy při podzemních trhacích pracích malého rozsahu
Avaliação das deformações em osso sintético durante um processo de furação
Missing-in-metastasis and IRSp53 deform PI(4,5)P2-rich membranes by an inverse BAR domain–like mechanism
1461 - Sceliphron curvatum Smith, 1870, S caementarium Drury, 1773 and S deforme Smith, 1856 Hymenoptera, Sphecidae
Možnost použití spojené tenzotermické a seismoakustické metody pro zjišťování změn napěťově deformačního stavu horsk...
The relationship between strain rates, crustal thickening, palaeomagnetism, finite strain and fault movements within a deforming zone
Experimental validation of a new ultrasound method for the simultaneous assessment of radial and longitudinal myocardial deformation...