- Cracks will occur in the region of the thyroid cartilage because of deglutition.
甲状软骨部分会由于吞咽动作而龟裂。 - The degree of deglutition difficulty depends on narrow length and caliber size.
DeglutitionDeglutition.Deglutition.Deglutition: A study of form and functionTHE FREQUENCY OF DEGLUTITION IN MANDysphagia--ingestion or deglutition?: a proposed paradigm.An electromyographic analysis of reflex deglutitionAn electrophysiological investigation of deglutition in man.Laryngeal Penetration During Deglutition in Normal Subjects of Various AgesPS-24-6 An electrophysiological investigation of deglutition in manCineradiography of the pharyngeal stage of deglutition in 150 individuals without dysphagia.NEUROPHYSIOLOGIC OBSERVATIONS OF NORMAL DEGLUTITION. I. ITS RELATIONSHIP TO THE RESPIRATORY CYCLESOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE BUCCO‐PHARYNGEAL STAGE OF REFLEX DEGLUTITION IN THE CAT