用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词- delicious air芳香的空气
- delicious colour怡人的颜色
- delicious dish可口的菜
- delicious feeling愉快的感觉
- delicious fruit好吃的水果
- delicious meal美餐
动词+~- smell delicious闻起来香
- taste delicious尝起来可口
delicious food美味食品
golden delicious(美)金冠苹果
- She can produce delicious meal from very simple ingredients.
她能用简单配料烹调出美味的饭菜。 - The hunter entertained us with venison which was very delicious.
猎人拿出了非常美味的鹿肉招待我们。 - The bannock is delicious.
这种薄饼很可口。 - I like the delicious salad of crisp lettuce and tomatos.
我喜欢这种脆莴苣和番茄做的沙拉,很好吃。 - Isn't this a delicious concoction?
Locally Delicious rowing machine blender for schools
[Effects of Paclobutrazol (PP333) and pruning of growth and yield of Golden Delicious apple]
Pathways of calcium penetration through isolated cuticles of cultivar golden delicious apple fruit malus domestica
Observations on the mineral composition of Golden Delicious in relation to storage
Adventitious shoot formation from cultivar red delicious malus domestica apple cotyledons in vitro
Changes in the aromatic composition of apples (cv. Red Delicious) during cool storage
The influence of maturity of cultivar golden delicious apples on the effect of postharvest calcium treatment on decay
A Modified Procedure for Lead Staining of Thin Sections
Demographic parameters of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) reared in apples.
Patterns of lexis in text