- Winners see the oasis beside the dene; losers see the dene beside the oasis.
Decreasing traditional food use affects diet quality for adult Dene/Metis in 16 communities of the Canadian Northwest Territories.
Analysis of HLA class I and class II in Na-Dene and Amerindian populations from British Columbia, Canada.
GluR1 glutamate receptor subunit is regulated differentially in the primate basal ganglia following nigrostriatal dopamine denervati...
Expression of type I and III collagens and fibronectin after transection of rat sciatic nerve. Reinnervation compared with denervati...
Epigenetic Reprogramming in Mammalian Development
FBXW7 influences murine intestinal homeostasis and cancer, targeting Notch, Jun, and DEK for degradation
An important role for the IIIb isoform of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) in mesenchymal-epithelial signalling during mo...
The functional neuroanatomy of social behaviour
Interaction of phosphorylated c-Jun with TCF4 regulates intestinal cancer development.
Class IIa Histone Deacetylases Are Hormone-Activated Regulators of FOXO and Mammalian Glucose Homeostasis