Self-denigratory beliefs following sexual abuse: association with the symptomatology of bulimic disorders.Total (a), hyping (b) and denigratory (c) ‘spin’ scores of industry and non-industry media responses, according to outcomes of sou...Palpation subtile des points d'acupunctureCan a Jew Be a Philosophe? Isaac de Pinto, Voltaire, and Jewish Participation in the European EnlightenmentLos actos denigratorios en la legislación españolaThe Crime of Minratory Workers in the City and Social ManagenmentAutumn migration of soaring birds in North Dobrogea, Romania: a study with implications for wind farm developmentCaracterización fármaco-toxicológica de la planta medicinal Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis (L). R. Bolli Pharmaceutical-toxicol...saúco , fitofármaco , antiinflamatorio , white elder , phytodrug , anti-inflamatory drug, Open Access LibraryAnti-inflammatory effects of gastrointestinal digested Sambucus nigra L. fruit extract analysed in co-cultured intestinal epithelial...