- Therefore the foam corrosion inhibition ability can be further enhanced through adding the inhibitor and deoxidizer to the foam.
DeoxidizerNONCHROMATE DEOXIDIZER FOR ALUMINUM ALLOYSON THE FREE ENERGY INTERACTION BETWEEN SOME STRONG DEOXIDIZERS, ESPECIALLY CALCIUM AND OXYGEN IN LIQUID IRONEffect of Oxide Catalyst on Heterogeneous Nucleation in Fe10mass%Ni AlloysAn unpolluted deoxidation wayProsody and focus in speech to infants and adults.Erratum: BAC TransgeneOmics: A high-throughput method for exploration of protein function in mammals (Nature Methods (2008) vol. 5 (...The development of Biostator, a Glucose Controlled Insulin Infusion System (GCIIS)A thermodynamic model for deoxidation equilibria in steelMicrostructural characteristics and formation mechanism of direct laser-sintered Cu-based alloys reinforced with Ni particles