depilateThe use of high-energy electrons to depilate the breech of sheepUltrastructural analysis of differentiating bristle organs in wild-type, shaven-depilate and mitomycin C-treated larvae of Drosophil...The Temperature Responses of Flies with the Deficiency Vestigial-Depilate in Drosophila Melanogaster«Ha le ascelle depilate». Il web contro la nuova Wonder Woman«Trucco curato e gambe depilate» Le regole dell’hotel per le dipendenti donne. Ed è subito polemicaREDUCING ENERGY CONSUMPTION FOR PIG DEPILATE MACHINES BY OPTIMAL POSITION OF ROLLERSDominant flightless phenotype of the vestigial‐Depilate deficiency of Drosophila melanogasterLa polémique anti-chrétienne des Actes de PilateLes « Actes de Pilate » au quatrième siècle