Subcutaneous dermoid cystsDermoid cysts (dermoids) of the floor of the mouthLaparoscopic removal of dermoid cystsEpidermoid and dermoid cysts. Clinical evaluation and late surgical results.Midline (dermoid) cysts of the floor of the mouth: report of 16 cases and review of surgical techniquesIntracranial nasal dermoid sinus cysts: computed tomographic scan findings and surgical results.Microneurosurgical treatment of intracranial dermoid and epidermoid tumors.Squamous-lined cysts of the pancreas: lymphoepithelial cysts, dermoid cysts (teratomas), and accessory-splenic epidermoid cysts.Adhesion formation from release of dermoid contents in the peritoneal cavity and effect of copious lavage: a prospective, randomized...Duplication of FGF3, FGF4, FGF19 and ORAOV1 causes hair ridge and predisposition to dermoid sinus in Ridgeback dogs.