- There should be no pendulous or excessive dewlap.
Species Recognition, Dewlap Function and Faunal Size
Evolution of Anolis Lizard Dewlap Diversity
Does dewlap size predict male bite performance in Jamaican Anolis lizards?
The Anolis Dewlap: Interspecific Variability and Morphological Associations with Habitat
Functional morphology of dewlap extension in the lizard Anolis equestris (Iguanidae)
Examination of Factors Potentially Affecting Dewlap Size in Caribbean Anoles
The mechanism of dewlap extension in Anolis carolinensis (Reptilia: Iguanidae) with histological analysis of the hyoid apparatus
An Experimental Demonstration of the Species-Recognition Role of Anolis Dewlap Color
Female Preference for Anolis carolinensis Males as a Function of Dewlap Color and Background Coloration