- Dextrin values should be determined to assess amylase activity specifically.
我们应确定糊精的值以便于存在时我们明确地评估淀粉酶的活性。 - A simple and rapid method for the determination of dextrin in adulterated monosodium glutamate has been developed.
Dextrin, acid or enzyme converted starch
Cellodextrin transport in yeast for improved biofuel production.
Pharmaceutical applications of cyclo dextrin complexes
Ampicillin-dextrin agar medium for the enumeration of Aeromonas species in water by membrane filtration.
Laxative Effect of Fresh Jujube Juice Rich in Resistant Dextrin on Constipation Model Mice
Contribution of 500 g naturally labeled 13C dextrin maltose to total carbohydrate utilization and the effect of the antecedent diet,...
Determination of the Number-Average Degree of Polymerization of Cellodextrins and Cellulose with Application to Enzymatic Hydrolysis
[The effect of colcichine and iodine-lithium-alpha-dextrin on the phagocytosis of granulocytes and monocytes in patients with famili...
Branch-structure difference in starches of A- and B-type X-ray patterns revealed by their Naegeli dextrins ☆
Small intestinal starch digestion in steers: effect of various levels of abomasal glucose, corn starch and corn dextrin infusion on ...