Dynamics of laboratory diapir and plume models
On the mechanics of igneous diapirism, stoping, and zone melting
Regional extension as a geologic trigger for diapirism
The Mediterranean Ridge and related mud diapirism: a background
Emplacement kinematics of a granite diapir: the Chindamora batholith, Zimbabwe
Mud diapirism and subcretion in the Barbados Ridge Accretionary Complex: The role of fluids in accretionary processes
Structural mapping in the Oman ophiolites: Mantle diapirism along an oceanic ridge
The effective viscosity of rocksalt: implementation of steady-state creep laws in numerical models of salt diapirism
Archean granite‐greenstone tectonics at Kolar (South India): Interplay of diapirism and bulk inhomogeneous contraction during juven...
Trapping and migration of methane associated with the gas hydrate stability zone at the Blake Ridge Diapir: new insights from seismi...