- Here a short digression becomes necessary.
这里有必要加一点题外的话。 - After this digression we return now to our original problem.
在这一段插话以后,现在回到原来的问题。 - Now let's return from this digression to our subject.
现在咱们言归正传。 - The wreck was caused by the digression of the two ships.
Recent progress in understanding larval dispersal: new directions and digressions.
Me and My Hypertext: A Multiple Digression Analysis of Technology and Literacy (Sic)
Digression on chemical electromagnetic field effects in membrane signal transduction--cooperativity paradigm of the acetylcholine re...
Digressions at the Cinema: Reception and Mass Culture
Expressing digression linguistically: Do digressive markers exist?
Migration and Navigation in Birds: A Present-State Survey with Some Digressions to Related Fish Behaviour
Digression on membrane electroporation for drug and gene delivery
Mammuthus (Mammalia, Proboscidea) at the crossroads in beringia, with a digression on Mammals
Stratégies discursives, Digression, transition, suspens
Artificial Intelligence:The Very Idea