- By dint of much trying he finally achieved his object.
通过大量尝试,他终于达到了目的。 - He succeeded by dint of hard work.
dintingdintingGATE ROAD DINTING EQUIPMENTPractice on floor dinting method to open seam with outburst in potentialStudy on Design of Dinting Differential Slotted Flip Bucket without Division PierModality analysis on milling planing rotor cutter of dinting machine based on ANSYSScale model studies of strata movement around mine roadways—II the effect of dinting: Challenging the Common Perceptions of Three Medieval Conflicts—Ferrybridge, Dintingdale and Towton—''Una institucion academica mexicana y dieciseis investigadores dintinguidos: quincuagesimo quinto aniversario del Instituto de Salubr...Killing Time : Challenging the Common Perceptions of Three Medieval Conflicts—Ferrybridge, Dintingdale and Towton—' The Largest Ba...