用作名词 (n.)
名词+~- music diploma音乐学位证书
- education diploma教育学文凭
~+介词- diploma in education教育学文凭
college diploma大学文凭;(高等学校)文凭、毕业证书
high school diploma高中文凭
postgraduate diploma研究生文凭;研究生文凭课程
graduate diploma硕士文凭;研究生文凭
university diploma大学毕业证书
diploma mill[美口]文凭制造工厂;野鸡大学;不入流学校
- He obtained a diploma in architecture.
他获得了建筑学的学位证书。 - The youth won his diploma after only three years.
那青年仅用了3 年时间就取得毕业文凭。 - When a person has successfully completed a certain course of study, he is given a diploma by the school.
The diploma disease :
The Impact of the Diploma on Journalists' Income
The Diploma Disease: Education, Qualifications and Development by Ronald Dore
Uskontodiplomatia ja konfliktin ratkaisu: Muslimit ja kristityt sovinnon rakentajina
Ready or Not: Creating a High School Diploma that Counts.
On the demand for agrarian engineers with a diploma
Graduation list for postgraduate diploma in international relations
Failure to Earn a High School Diploma: Correlates & Consequences for Central Pennsylvania
Skills competency in nurse education: nurse managers' perceptions of diploma level preparation
Decision-making skills and critical thinking ability among associate degree, diploma, baccalaureate, and master's-prepared nurses.