- At the same time, she noticed diplopia.
其时亦自觉此一复视现象,且有逐渐恶化之趋势。 - Monocular diplopia and other severe complications were not found.
Diplopia following midfacial fracturesDiplopia after retinal detachment surgery.Diplopia after retinal detachment surgery.Diplopia after surgical repair of orbital floor fracturesNew methods for quantifying diplopia.Enophthalmos and diplopia in fractures of the orbital floor.Cluster of diplopia cases after periocular anesthesia without hyaluronidaseLarge subconjunctival emphysema causing diplopia and lagophthalmosPostoperative diplopia and ptosis. A clinical hypothesis based on the myotoxicity of local anestheticsGraves' ophthalmopathy: eye muscle involvement in patients with diplopia