- At the same time, she noticed diplopia.
其时亦自觉此一复视现象,且有逐渐恶化之趋势。 - Monocular diplopia and other severe complications were not found.
Mislocalization of diplopic imagesThe Quantitative Analysis of Diplopic Strabismus.The nature of fusional effort in diplopic regionsQualitative depth localization with diplopic images[Considerations on the antidiplopic mechanism in concomitant strabismus]Stereo-discrimination between diplopic images in clinically normal observersQualitative depth localization with diplopic images of dissimilar shape.Evaluation of Jensen procedures by saccades and diplopic fieldsDiplopic Mechanical Restrictive Strabismus due to Orbital Medial Wall Fracture and Medial Rectus Muscle Entrapment after Endoscopic ...Improvement in specific function-related quality-of-life concerns after strabismus surgery in nondiplopic adults