- Meter crust is designed into antispatter structure, with better sealing performance, so it can prevent dirtiness from immerging into the inner structure.
Cleanliness/dirtiness, purity/impurity as social and psychological issues
Mental pollution: feelings of dirtiness without physical contact
The possible effect of dirtiness on structurally based ultraviolet plumage
LDF (less dirty first): dirtiness-aware cache replacement policy for PCM main memory
The Unbearable Dirtiness of Being: On the Commodification of MediaSport and the Need for Ethical Criticism
Optical translucency indicator for measurement of air filter dirtiness, liquid level, thickness, and other parameters
Towards an Understanding of how the 'Geographical Dirtiness' (Complexity) of a Virtual Environment Changes User Perceptions of a Space
âCleanâ or âdirtyâ Drug Injectors'' Perceptions of Cleanliness and Dirtiness in Relation to HIV risk Behaviour
Longitudinal study of the effect of rubber slat mats on locomotory ability, body, limb and claw lesions, and dirtiness of group hous...
Pesquisa de sujidades e matérias estranhas em mel de abelhas (Apis mellifera L.) Research of dirtiness and strange materials in bee...