- The child had disarrayed the books.
孩子把书弄乱了。 - The naughty pupils disarray the class.
- The troops fled in disarray.
部队仓皇逃散。 - Changing offices has left my papers in complete disarray.
PROTECTIVE EDGE WEIGHTED COVER CLOTHProteasomal Degradation of Human Peptidyl Prolyl Isomerase Pin1-pointing Phospho Bcl2 toward DephosphorylationEffect of native crystalline structure of isolated potato starch on gelatinization behavior and consequently on glycemic responsePotent antitumor agent proteasome inhibitors: a novel trigger for Bcl2 phosphorylation to induce apoptosis.Views on changing laborSTOCKER FOR LABORATORY DISHES AND APPARATUS FOR TAKING OUT AND SUPPLYING LABORATORY DISHES政府採購中公布不良廠商名單之權利救濟Los Colegios Mayores distinguen con su medalla a Mariano Herrera, Angel Trinidad y José Manuel Roldán, antiguos directoresEthnic conflict and Security Apprehension in Northeast IndiaMachiavellego rozumienie dobra i zła