- But, the mere idea of having that much money is enough to make even the most disinterested students pay attention in a social studies class.
可是,哪怕仅仅是想到有这么一大笔钱,已经足够使那些对此最不感兴趣的学生也关注起这门社会学课程。 - He is a disinterested person.
他是一个没有私心的人。 - The God makes everyone disinterested.
上帝对每个人都是公平的! - The judge gave a disinterested verdict.
The Disinterested Third State
Statistics for disinterested scientists.
Bourdieu, Smith and disinterested judgment
Bourdieu, Smith and disinterested judgement
Infection control for the disinterested.
The continuing need for disinterested research.
What the disinterested perceiver overlooks: Goal-directed social categorization.
Listening without Prejudice? Re-Discovering the Value of the Disinterested Citizen
The North American polygraph and psychophysiology: disinterested, uninterested, and interested perspectives.
Private Litigation to Enforce Fiduciary Duties in Mutual Funds: Derivative Suits, Disinterested Directors and the Ideology of Invest...