- In the past the voice of dissension had been quickly snuffed out.
在过去不同的意见都很快被压制下去。 - Political questions often cause dissension.
政治问题常引起纷争。 - Father's will caused much dissension among his children.
父亲的遗嘱引起了子女之间的纷争。 - You won't sow dissension between us.
你别想挑拨我们之间的关系。 - His words caused a great deal of dissention among his followers.
Dissension in the House of Commons
Mosque of the dissension
Dissension in the House of Commons, 1974-1979 by Philip Norton
Dissensions et consensus. Une théorie générale des décisions collectives
Consensus and Dissension among Economists: An Empirical Inquiry
Quantum dissension: Generalizing quantum discord for three-qubit states
The spaces of public dissension: Reconsidering the public sphere
Hidden Dissension: Minority-Majority Relationships and the Use of Contested Terminology
An Investigation on the Medical Dissensions and Infringement Events in 326 Medical Institutions
Risk homeostasis theory and traffic accidents: propositions, deductions and discussion of dissension in recent reactions