Assessment of the distensibility of superficial arteries
Nitric Oxide Regulates Local Arterial Distensibility In Vivo
The reason for the shape of the distensibility curves of arteries.
Relationship between arterial distensibility and coronary atherosclerosis in angina patients.
Influence of leptin on arterial distensibility: a novel link between obesity and cardiovascular disease?
Assessment of arterial distensibility by automatic pulse wave velocity measurement. Validation and clinical application studies.
Effects of aging on arterial distensibility in populations with high and low prevalence of hypertension: comparison between urban an...
Effect of antihypertensive monotherapy and combination therapy on arterial distensibility and left ventricular mass.
Cardiac cycle-dependent changes in aortic area and distensibility are reduced in older patients with isolated diastolic heart failur...
Acute effects of nitric oxide on left ventricular relaxation and diastolic distensibility in humans. Assessment by bicoronary sodium...