- The distiller has aged all his whisky for more than ten years.
A spatially explicit capture–recapture estimator for single‐catch trapsPituitary responsiveness to luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.Myotonia dystrophica: Studies on gonadal function using luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LRH).Asymptomatic bacteriuria in diabetes mellitusSomatomedin activity in cerebrospinal fluidPituitary-gonadal function in chronic renal failure: the effect of luteinizing hormone--releasing hormone and the influence of dialy...Assessment of pituitary gonadotropin reserve using luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LRH) in states of altered thyroid function.Factors affecting resilience in children exposed to violenceStriving for the impossible dream: a community-based multi-practice collaborative model of diabetes management.Carotid artery intima-media complex thickening in patients with relatively long-surviving type 1 diabetes mellitus