- This company boasts of being the oldest whiskey distillery in the world.
这家公司自称是世界上最早的威士忌蒸馏酒厂。 - The same family has run this successful whisky distillery for most of this century.
Distillery spent wash: Treatment technologies and potential applications
Distillery and curd whey wastes as viable alternative sources for biosurfactant production
Removal of hexavalent chromium using distillery sludge
Composts from distillery wastes as peat substitutes for transplant production
Biological approaches for treatment of distillery wastewater: A review
EC and EF processes for the treatment of alcohol distillery wastewater
Co-composting of distillery wastes with animal manures: Carbon and nitrogen transformations in the evaluation of compost stability
Production of gamma-aminobutyric acid from alcohol distillery lees by Lactobacillus brevis IFO-12005.
Performance of a granular-bed anaerobic baffled reactor (GRABBR) treating whisky distillery wastewater
Agrochemical characterisation of the solid by-products and residues from the winery and distillery industry.