Notes on a viviparous distome.
On the Life-History and Morphology of the Liver Distome Clonorcliis sinensis.
Effect of Osmolality and Selected Ions on Retraction of the Distome Bo...
Recherche des affinites naturelles d'un distome (Trematoda Prosostomata) parasite de batracien anoure de Sierra-Leone
Experimental Study on the Transmigration Route of the Liver Distome in the Body of the Final Host.
On the structure of Cryptogonimus (nov. Gen.) Chyli (n. sp.), an aberrant distome, from fishes of Michigan and New York
Effect of osmolality and selected ions on retraction of the distome body into the cercaria tail chamber of Proterometra macrostoma (...
On Crepidostomum farionis O. F. Müll. (= Stephanophiala laureata Zeder), a Distome Parasite of the Trout and Grayling. I. The Life ...
On Crepidostomum farionis O. F. M眉ll. (= Stephanophiala laureata Zeder), a Distome Parasite of the Trout and Grayling. I. The Life ...