Dynamics of domain walls in ferrodistortive materials. I. Theory
Order disorder elements in antiferrodistortive phase transitions
Antiferrodistortive phase transition in Pb ( Ti 0.48 Zr 0.52 ) O 3 : A powder neutron diffraction study
Antiferrodistortive phase transition in P b ( T i 0.48 Zr 0.52 ) O 3 : Space group of the lowest temperature monoclinic phase
First-principles study of ferroelectric and antiferrodistortive instabilities in tetragonal SrTiO3
First-principles investigations of homogeneous lattice-distortive strain and shuffles in Ni2MnGa
The distortive mechanism for the activation of complement component C1 supported by studies with a monoclonal antibody against the ...
Molecular-Dynamics study of a 3-dimensional one-component model for distortive phase-transitions
Molecular-dynamics study of a three-dimensional one-component model for distortive phase transitions
The crystal structure of ferroelastic betaine arsenate, (CH3)3NCH2COO · H3AsO4, compared with antiferrodistortive betaine phosphate...