Perverse Sexualities, Perversive Desires: Representations of Female Fantasies and "Yaoi Manga"as Pornography Directed at WomenOutRun: perversive games and designing the de-simulation of eight-bit drivingOutRun: perversive games and designing the de-simulation of eight-bit drivingThe process of psychotherapy with a woman of hysteria who has perversive thoughtsCLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION : STRATEGIC VISION IN AGRICULTURE THE THEMATIC WORKING GROUP ' S VISUALIZATION AND A PERVERSIVE PLAN OF AC...Dionysos. La déchirure et l'excès. L'image perversiveA case study of the support for an elementary schoolboy with high-functioning perversive developemental disorder from the viewpoint ...Dionysus: Laceration and Excess—The Perversive ImageDegradated Sexuality, or The Perversive World of Bruno Schulz's FictionThe Gay Image in music VIDEO: FROM ROCK'S SUBVERSIVE SOUNDS TO VIDEO'S PERVERSIVE SIGHTS