- He quavered forth a quaint old ditty.
他用颤抖的嗓音哼了一首稀奇古怪的古老小调。 - We all like her ditty.
我们都喜欢她的小曲。 - The beggar sits on the side of the road singing ditty for money .
Research on the Primary Collection of Leizhou Ditties
Two Paradigms of Literary Production: The Production, Circulation and Legal Status of Rudyard Kipling’s Departmental Ditties and I...
Doleful Ditties and Stories of Survival - Narrative Approaches to Breast Cancer in Frances Burney, Maria Edgeworth and Susan Sontag
Sonnets, odes, jingles and ditties
Popish Ditties
Ditties of the fragile and the inscrutable
“Dominant”Style of Ditties in Jiangsu and Zhejiang:With a Discussion on the Contribution of Ditties in Jiangsu and Zhejiang to Chi...
Hariyali Aur Rasta
Departmental Ditties and other verses, by Rudyard Kipling
‘Melancholy Ditties about Dirt and Disorder’