dive into v. 投入;把手伸入;钻研
dive in开始大吃;头朝下跳入水中
dive for扑向;潜水寻找…
take a dive ◎突然下降,急剧下降,(行市等)暴跌 , ◎[美国俚语]【拳击】假装被击倒,佯倒
dive off从…跳水
scuba dive水肺潜水,蛙潜
nose dive头部朝下的俯冲;(价格等的)暴跌;一落千丈
fish dive鱼跃
- Dives have the desire to find happiness, fill the emptiness of life and meet the swelling crowd, some people thought it enhanced their personal values.
富豪们找到欲望的快感,弥补了空虚的生活,满足了膨胀的虚荣心,有的人还以为这样做提升了他们的个人价值。 - The project will become Beijing and domestic non-comparability innovation projects to China to see the new cutting edge ring true villa Dives homogeneous products.
Deep scientific dives in the Japan and Kuril Trenches
Kinematics of foraging dives and lunge-feeding in fin whales
Benthic and pelagic dives: a new foraging behaviour in rockhopper penguins
Closure and divesture by foreign entrants: The impact of entry and post-entry strategy
Pattern and depth of dives in Northern elephant seals, Mirounga angustirostris
Respiration and heart rate at the surface between dives in northern elephant seals.
Physiological implications of continuous, prolonged, and deep dives of the southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina)
Convective oxygen transport and tissue oxygen consumption in Weddell seals during aerobic dives.
Functional classification of harbor seal ( Phoca vitulina ) dives using depth profiles, swimming velocity, and an index of foraging ...
An evaluation of temporal geochemical evolution of Loihi Summit Lavas: Results from Alvin submersible dives