- However, a high payout ratio does not necessarily lead to a high divi-dend yield because the share price could be high too.
不过,高派息率并不表示公司的股息率是高的,因为其股价也可能挺高的。 - A typical company with a high dividend payout normally owns a mature cash-generating business and it does not have any worthy expansion plan.
Dividend Payout RatioGROWTH, BETA AND AGENCY COSTS AS DETERMINANTS OF DIVIDEND PAYOUT RATIOSRozeff, Growth, Beta and Agency Costs as Determinants of Dividend Payout Ratios, Journal of Financial Research 3, .Determinants of dividend payout ratios in GhanaAgency Costs and Dividend Payout RatiosDeterminants of Dividend Payout Ratios-A Study of Indian Information Technology SectorDeterminants of Dividend Payout Ratios: Evidence from United StatesDeterminants of Dividend Payout Ratios: Evidence from United States~!2010-01-07~!2010-04-06~!2010-05-12~!EFFECTS OF AGENCY AND TRANSACTION COSTS ON DIVIDEND PAYOUT RATIOS: FURTHER EVIDENCE OF THE AGENCY-TRANSACTION COST HYPOTHESISDoes the Pecking Order Hypothesis Explain the Dividend Payout Ratios of Firms in the UK?