Inter﹊ndividual variability in the improvement of physiological risk factors for disease: gene polymorphisms or simply regression t...Intra-﹊ndividual changes in major bone con6tuents studied by Solid State Nuclear Magne6c Resoance SpectroscopyPREDICTIVE MODELS OF MOVEMENT BY SERENGETI GRAZERSNew Directions in Equity Research 1 2MASCIS evaluation of open field locomotor scores: effects of experience and teamwork on reliability. Multicenter Animal Spinal Cord ...Cetuximab Monotherapy and Cetuximab plus Irinotecan in Irinotecan-Refractory Metastatic Colorectal CancerGenetic Algorithms for Multiobjective Optimization: FormulationDiscussion and GeneralizationGlobal Precipitation: A 17-Year Monthly Analysis Based on Gauge Observations, Satellite Estimates, and Numerical Model OutputsBcl-2 inhibition of neural death: decreased generation of reactive oxygen species.An Economic Theory of Clubs