technical documentation技术文件;技术资料
supporting documentation辅助文档(不译证明文件)
project documentation计划文件,项目文档
product documentation产品文件
design documentation设计资料
system documentation系统文献;系统文件编制
- For netmeeting instructions refer to microsoft's documentation or online help.
关于NetMeeting指南,可参考Microsoft文档或在线帮助。 - Concentrate your order with us save you money on postage, cable, freight, documentation, etc.
[Documentation and analysis of the EKG]
Documentation and evaluation of cognitive impairment in elderly primary care patients
Leicester University Centre for Loess Research & Documentation 1986-2016
Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Theoretical Documentation: Version 2000
The global burden of headache: a documentation of headache prevalence and disability worldwide.
The InterPro database, an integrated documentation resource for protein families, domains and functional sites
Development and validation of the international knee documentation committee subjective knee form.
Documentation of reticulate evolution in peonies (Paeonia) using internal transcribed spacer sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA: imp...
The enhanced stream water quality models QUAL2E and QUAL2E-UNCAS: documentation and user manual
The development of a study protocol, and ethics and regulatory approval documentation, for evaluation of clinical efficacy of Suther...