- He is arrested trying to take currency out of the country.
他因试图将本国货币携带出境而被拘捕。 - If these measures are insufficient, a country may devalue its currency.
Offshore Markets for the Domestic Currency: Monetary and Financial Stability Issues
Offshore Markets for the Domestic Currency: Monetary and Financial Stability Issues
Currency Option Pricing with Stochastic Domestic and Foreign Interest Rates
Domestic Currency Denominated Government Debt As Equity In The Primary Surplus
Avoiding some costs of inflation and crawling toward hyperinflation: The case of the Brazilian domestic currency substitute
Domestic currency appreciation and foreign capital inflows: What comes first? (Chile, 1977–1982)
Substitution between domestic and foreign currency loans in Central Europe. Do central banks matter?
US domestic currency in forecast error variance decompositions of inflation and output
Foreign Demand for Domestic Currency and the Optimal Rate of Inflation
The role of fundamentalists and technicians in the foreign exchange market when the domestic currency is pegged to a basket