Evidence for myofibril remodeling as opposed to myofibril damage in human muscles with DOMS: an ultrastructural and immunoelectron m...
Eccentric contractions leading to DOMS do not cause loss of desmin nor fibre necrosis in human muscle.
The mode of myofibril remodelling in human skeletal muscle affected by DOMS induced by eccentric contractions
Effect of the removal of DOMs on the performance of a coagulation-UF membrane system for drinking water production
A dual-tropic primary HIV-1 isolate that uses fusin and the beta-chemokine receptors CKR-5, CKR-3, and CKR-2b as fusion cofactors.
Understanding Productivity: Lessons from Longitudinal Microdata
CCR5 genotypes in sexually active couples discordant for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection status.
HIV vaccine design and the neutralizing antibody problem.
Doranz, B.J. et al. A dual-tropic primary HIV-1 isolate that uses fusin and -chemokine receptors CKR-5, CKR-3, and CKR-2b as fusion ...
A new classification for HIV-1