- They stood in the doorway chatting.
Doorway states and nuclear-spectrum statistics
Air Curtain Doorway With Integrated Doors
Isobar-hole doorway states and π- 16 O scattering
The isobar-doorway theory for pion-nucleus interactions ☆
A Doorway State Leads to Photostability or Triplet Photodamage in Thymine DNA
Policing Tic ‘n’ Toc, the doorway to chloroplasts
Pion-nucleus scattering in an isobar-doorway model
Intermediate structure and doorway states in nuclear reactions
Application of the three‐dimensional doorway‐state theory to analyses of the amide‐I infrared bands of globular proteins
Intense-laser-field-enhanced ionization of two-electron molecules: Role of ionic states as doorway states