- After catching some doss, my mother went on with her work.
稍睡一会儿,我妈妈又继续她的工作。 - Still they get their feed all right and their doss .
好歹能填饱肚子,也不缺睡的地方。 - We have to halt at a village without eating place and only a doss house.
- We may as well doss down here tonight.
今天晚上我们不妨就在这里睡下。 - In paris tramps often doss down under the bridges.
Influence of initial profile water status and nitrogen dosses on yield and evapotranspiration rate of dryland barley.
El Targum d¿Osses: traducció crítica catalana del text arameu
Effect of different levels of nitrogen dosses on yield, quality and nutrients uptake in Bagci Carliston and Ege Aci Sivri pepper var...
Installation de mise à dimensions standard des dosses en vue de leur valorisation
TV PAUL DANIELS' SON IS A DOWN AND OUT; He Dosses in Doorways While Dad Lives in a Luxury Mansion
Radiotherapie bifractionnee acceleree et chimiotherapie concomitants radiosensibilisante par CDDP faibles dosses dans les cancers de...
The Blair Odyssey; Chapter 3: Would-Be Rock Star Dosses on a Bench with the Down-and-Outs
256 Electroencephalogram of Dogs in General Anesthesia. : II. Ravonal (Thiopental Sodium) Anesthesia in Overdosses.
[Considerations on several cases of iridoschises]
A Atuação dos SESMTs na Movimentação de Materiais