- This article's so full of jargon it's just double Dutch to me.
Double Dutch
Double Dutch
Double Dutch
Designing Call Auction Institutions: Is Double Dutch The Best?
Double Dutch: Polarization Trends in Amsterdam and Rotterdam after 1980
The Games Black Girls Play: Learning the Ropes from Double-Dutch to Hip-Hop
The Double Dutch Delay of Principle B Effect
Double dutch auction for establishment and maximization of sales price of generic fungible items
Double Dutch: The ‘think‐aloud’ Brief IPQ study uses a Dutch translation with confusing wording and the wrong instructions
Double Dutch: The Dutch spelling system and learning to spell in Dutch
Double Dutch: A Tool for Designing Combinatorial Libraries of Biological Systems
Double Dutch: looking at the usage of combined pill plus condom in girls under 25.
Consumption in out-of-hours health care: Danes double Dutch?