A Double-Breasted Suit*
CD73: double-breasted suit
Nursing’s complex inferiority: White coats and double-breasted suits are the emperor's new clothes of health care, says Alan Maynar...
D-Bs button up young men's market. (double-breasted suits)
Spring '90 hotshots: D-Bs, Ivy. (men's clothing: double-breasted suits, ivy league sack suits)
Princess prompts Penney's to add D-B clothing. (Princess Diana, double-breasted suits)
Fear olive-green D-B suits getting overripe for '92. (gabardine double-breasted suits popular for spring '91, but silhouette is chan...
No peak in sight for D-B's. (double-breasted suits best-sellers)
Tailored clothing firms get rush of reorders for fall; six-button d-b's, three-button models hot.(double-breasted suits)
Olive D-Bs a hot item at NAMSB. (double-breasted suits exhibited at National Association of Men's Sportswear Buyers Show)