- He gazed at the doughnut on the table.
他盯着桌上的油炸圈饼。 - No, I'm going to the snack bar to get a doughnut and some milk.
Novel Optical Trap of Atoms with a Doughnut Beam
KM is a doughnut : shaping your knowledge strategy through communities of practice
The AGN-obscuring Torus: The End of the “Doughnut” Paradigm?
Knowledge management as a doughnut: Shaping your knowledge strategy through communities of practice
Hydrothermal Growth and Optical Properties of Doughnut-Shaped ZnO Microparticles
Seismic tomography, adjoint methods, time reversal and banana-doughnut kernels
A doughnut‐shaped heteromer of human Sm‐like proteins binds to the 3′‐end of U6 snRNA, thereby facilitating U4/U6 duplex formati...
Structures of the Common Cyclodextrins and Their Larger AnaloguesBeyond the Doughnut
ChemInform Abstract: Structures of the Common Cyclodextrins and Their Larger Analogues — Beyond the Doughnut
ChemInform Abstract: Structures of the Common Cyclodextrins and Their Larger Analogues — Beyond the Doughnut