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  • 学习怎么用


    Dovap--A Method for Surveying High-Altitude Trajectories
    DOVAP data reduction for IGY grenade Aerobee rockets SM 1.01-SM2.10
    Rocket Trajectory Measurement by a Dovap System
    Rocket Trajectory Measurement by a Dovap System
    Experiments of Rocket Borne Antenna for DOVAP Radar
    DOVAP System of Kappa Rocket and Its Application to the Measurement of Flight Characteristics
    Experimens of Rocket Borne Antenna for DOVAP RADAR (No. 2)
    A Study of Miss Distance Indicator Using 2 Way DOVAP
    DOVAP data reduction for IGY grenade Aerobee rockets SM 1.01-SM 2.10 : supplement to report 2387-50-T
    Single-station DOVAP-ballistic camera tracking reduction for grenade-experiment rockets SS.S. 12.50-S.S. 6.58 : interim technical re...