- The pigeon in the design is singing lustily for world peace and the promotion of national arts.
图案中的和平鸽在为呼唤世界和平,弘扬民族艺术而高歌。 - During the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, Qi drew the pigeon, symbolizing peace, and sold it for charity.
Dove of peace
Dove of Peace
Dove of Peace
The Doves of Peace
Journey of No Return
Poems for Lent and Holy Week
Our Lady of Peace
Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
2001 Middle East Peace Dove (Hawk)
Christian symbolism explained
Pugnacious Peacemaker and The Wheels Of If
Proposals of the political set up of Serbia from 1914 to the Versailles peace conference
Gems of Mystery