- The port of Dover is England's gateway to Europe.
多佛港是英国进入欧洲的大门。 - Many people embark at Dover for the Continent.
Optical Resonance and Two Level Atoms: Dover
Modern Quantum Chemistry. Dover
Rediscovery of Trochoidea elegans (Gmelin) near Dover
Nola aerugula (Hubner) and other interesting occurrences at Dover
Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena. By Ya. B. ZEL'DOVICH & Yu. P. RAIZER. Dover, 2002. 916 pp. ISBN...
Abstract: The White Cliffs of Dover are an Example of Natural Carbon Sequestration
Gomme Continued - A. W. Gomme, A. Andrewes, and K. J. Dover: A Historical Commentary on Thucydides. Volu...
Adolf Fraenkel. Einleitung in die Mengenlehre, 3rd edn. Dover Publications, New York 19...
Journal of Consumer Research
Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) immunolocalization in paraffin sections: An index of cell proliferation with evidence of d...